2. Social Initiatives
  3. Efforts for Community

Introduction of Sharing service

We installed a cycle port for cycle sharing and an e-scooter port on the building’s site and introduced car sharing, contributing to convenience for tenant employees, local residents and others.

Installation of cycle sharing port
(Shinjuku Maynds Tower)
Installation of e-scooter port
(Daiwa Tsukishima)

Installation of car sharing port

Kitchen Car Attraction

We attract kitchen cars to our property sites to improve office worker and local resident satisfaction and produce the area’s weekday lunchtime outdoor lively scene.

Attracted kitchen cars
(Daiwa Nakano-Sakaue)

Participation/Collaboration in Local Events

To coexist with and stimulate the areas around our properties, we contribute to the sustainable development of local communities by participating in and collaborating with the following community events organized by urban development councils and private sector groups.

Participated in Shinjuku Minami Lumi
(Shinjuku Maynds Tower)

Yokohama Portside District
Collaborated in an urban development council’s event “Hikari no Machizukuri”
(CONCURRED Yokohama)

Contribution to Local

The Asset Manager contributes to the improvement of convenience and area revitalization of tenant employees and local residents by participating in various councils on urban development, contributing to local events, and utilizing vacant land held by the Asset Manager.

Award for traffic safety
(Shinjuku Maynds Tower)

Charity Activities

The Asset Manager has also introduced “Office Casual" which Daiwa Securities Group Inc. has been working on. Employees come to work in light clothing such as polo shirts and jeans. In addition, the Asset Manager displays artwork by people with disabilities in its meeting rooms and hallways to support their participation in society through art activities and donates surplus calendars and notebooks. Through the installation of donation-type vending machines in the properties it owns, DOI supports activities to donate a portion of the proceeds to NPOs and other organizations that provide pediatric medical support and child abuse prevention activities.

Outsider Art Exhibit
(Reception desk of the Asset Management Company)
Implementation of Office Casual
Installation of donation-type vending machines

Providing Comfortable Office Environment

In June 2022, we opened a workspace for employees of Daiwa Securities Realty Co., Ltd., a Group company, in our owned property, Daiwa Ginza Building. As a next-generation office, we have a variety of free address spaces and private room booths that can be flexibly used.
Going forward, the Investment Corporation will continue to aim to provide a comfortable office environment that combines design and functionality in order to create new ways of working that lead to employee motivation and results.

Workspaces established for Daiwa Securities Realty employees
(Daiwa Ginza)

Engagement with investors

Each Investment corporation strives to actively disclose information and fulfill its accountability to all stakeholders through IR activities and other means. To promote understanding of each investment corporation's operating conditions, we hold individual meetings with domestic and foreign institutional investors and participate in seminars for individual investors.

Number of meetings and seminars

Year held No.of Domestic investors No.of Foreign investors No.of Seminar held
DOI FY2022 133 52 2
FY2023 107 47 1